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Crimea Tours

Submarines Base Museum

Balaclava Submarine Base MuseumOn 15 km from Sevastopol between two big capes - Fiolent and Ai-Ya, is situated one of the oldest towns of the Crimea and Ukraine Balaclava. Need to say that it has 2,600 years of history. But not only ancient and medieval pages opens Balaclava for guests. 

Soviet Union also added its own page into the "history album" of this town. Underground submarine base was constructed here, known in Soviet secret military documents like "Object 825-GTS". Joseph Stalin personally signed the project, but the construction was finished after his death, in 1961.
Inside of the 120-meters mount was built a small town: submarines repair factory, the channel of 505 meters connected two sides of harbor, storage of weapons (include nuclear heads for torpedoes), hospital, power station ect. The object has about 15,000 sq. meters total. Much more information about this place you can  have after your tour with a private guide Sergey Tsarapora, who will open many secrets of the Soviet past.