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Crimea Tours

Foros Church of Resurrection

Foros Church YaltaNot far from Foros township, over the  highway Yalta - Sevastopol, is the Foros Church of Christ`s Resurrection, built in 1892 on the top of a scenic bluff - Red Cliff, after architect academician Nikholas Chagin`s designe. The church was constructed in a Byzantine temple style, featuring special masonry. The construction of the church was financed by the tea tycoon A. G. Kuznetsov, owner of the Foros estate, to commemorate the miraculos survival of the Emperor`s Alexander III and his  family`s in the 17th October, 1888 railway accident near Kharkov.

The church features beautiful inner decoration. Mosaic works were done in the renowned studio of Antonio Salviatti, and the church interior was painted by well-known artists K. Makovsky, A. Korzuhin and N. Sverchkov.

Up far from the highway and further on to the Baidary pass, ascends by incredible twists a scenic road to Sevastopol. The pass is crowned by the arch-like Baidary Gate resembling an antique portico. It was erected in 1848 to mark the completation of construction of a highway Sevastopol to Yalta. Behind the Gate, the highway starts going down to the Baidary Valley and runs on to Bakhchisaray. On the one side of the Baidary Gate there is Chelebi Mount, on the other side stands Baidaro-Kastropol Wall.

A 7-kilometers ecological trail starts at the Baidary Gate and ends at Shaitan-Merdven (Devil`s Stairs) Path. Alexander Pushkin crossed this 578-metre-high pass on to the guide`s horse tail. "It amused me immensely, - he wrote, - seemed to be a mysterious oriental rite".

Sergey Tsarapora private guide