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Crimea Tours

Anton Chekhov`s House-Museum

Chekhov House MuseumYalta is rightfully called the town of Chekhov`s. Bearing the name of the great Russian write are libraries, a sanatorium (formerly "Yauzlar", built on he initiative and with the help of Chekhov), school-gimnazium #5, several monuments have been created in the writer`s honour, and a number of commemorative plaques have been affixed to the buildings where he lived in different years (the former "Omyur" Villa, "Mariino" Hotel and others).

Chekhov visited Yalta for the first time in 1888. Ten years later his illness made him choose the town as a place of abode. He built in Autka a house (now the House-Museum, 112, Kirov-Str.) and settled here for ever. Five and a half exceptionally fruitfull years - such in all is the Yalta period of the writer`s life and creative work.

In Yalta Chekhov wrote the short stories: "A Student", "A case from Practice", "The New Summer House", "The Darling", "The Lady with the Dog", "The Bishop", "At Christmass", "The Bride", the short novel "In the Gully", the plays "The Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchard".

Sergey Tsarapora private guide